Our year living with COVID-19
As we approach the end of 2020 and look forward to a break from work during the holiday period, we are offered an opportunity to slow down and reflect on what has been an extremely challenging year for most of us. Looking back at this time last year, few of us could have imagined the extent of the impact COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) on everything we do, as professionals but also on our personal and family lives.
Many of us will be unable to spend time with family and friends over the coming weeks as our public health authorities and health systems continue to do battle with the pandemic. This will be a Christmas like no other for many of us but there is hope ahead of us and we should be optimistic that at some point in 2021 we will see some return to normality.
I am very proud of how the EFRS member organisations, and individual radiographers right around the world, have responded to this pandemic. You continue to provide the highest quality clinical imaging and radiotherapy services, whilst continuing to demonstrate excellent care and compassion to your patients. Throughout 2020, radiographers around the world have supported each other; highlighted the important clinical roles you are playing in the fight against COVID-19; ensured the educational programmes have continued under challenging circumstances; engaged in research activities at the highest level, and often research which is directly related to COVID-19. Student radiographers around the world have supported clinical radiographers working on the frontline and their vital contributions must also be recognised.
Earlier in this pandemic, the EFRS, together with the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists, have developed resources for radiographers focused on the use of mobile chest radiography in the COVID-19 scenario. These free open access e-learning resources have, to date, been accessed by over 24,000 individuals from across 155 countries.
During this pandemic, we have also launched our EFRS Radiation Protection Webinar Series, in collaboration with the IAEA and EuroSafe Imaging, which have seen over 17,750 registrations from 85 different countries. We will continue to provide excellent educational and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for you throughout 2021.
A brighter 2021
So, what does the future hold. I hope that the European Federation family, can all come together and meet in person once again. Our postponed 2020 AGM will take place online on February 13th and I hope that we will be able to come together for our 2021 AGM in Finland next November. Elections are currently taking place for the new EFRS Executive Board structure. My term as President will come to an end on February 13th but I am confident that I will be leaving this role knowing that the Federation is stronger than ever and having achieved more and more for radiographers everywhere each year. As the EFRS Vice-President, Charlotte Beardmore, moves into the role of President, I am very positive about the future of our Federation.
So, what is ahead of us? Radiographers, whether clinical, academic, or working exclusively in Society roles, will continue to play a hugely important role. You will do this by demonstrating your professionalism, demonstrating your skills, your care and compassion, and your resilience. You will keep going above and beyond in playing your part in the battle against this global pandemic with your patients, students, and members, at the heart of what you do.
Continued and even stronger radiographer leadership is required. This is what is needed to support our profession through 2021 as we continue to respond professionally, and proactively, to the current pandemic.
Please remember the EFRS motto at this time:
"Together everything is possible, be involved, make the difference."
Radiographers around the world are making a difference right now. You are all COVID-19 heroes. Keep helping us in the fight against this pandemic. Look after yourselves, look after your colleagues, and look after your students.
Wishing you a peaceful and restful holiday period.
Jonathan McNulty
EFRS President